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Welcome! This page is a list of Hispanic Youth Ministry events that occur annually, with a brief description. To find out when and where these events occur, click on the Calendar button. If you would like to attend or just want more information, contact the Council Coordinators or the Director of Hispanic Ministry. Thank you.


Sports Gatherings

Group Sporting Events

Youth groups are invited to participate in the Summer Sporting Events. The groups meet to play various sports, share a meal, and experience fellowship with other young people.

Encuentro Juvenil y Concierto

Youth Encounter and Concert

All young people over 18 are invited to the Youth Encounter and Concert. Its purpose is to celebrate the Lord of the Lords by singing and praising Him with all our soul and heart. Let’s tell Him, “Dear God, renew and move me,” because He is our best friend who loves us and frees us from all evil by giving us inner healing. Come and enjoy this experience. You can’t miss it!

Posada Diocesana

Diocesan Posada

We invite you to participate in our Diocesan Posada. As young Hispanics, we continue to celebrate our tradition, in which we will ask for “Posada”, have the traditional piñata, a delicious meal and pray the Rosary. Join us at this event and continue living and celebrating your faith through this cultural gathering!

Retiro de Adviento

Advent Retreat

All young people are invited to participate in the Advent Retreat. We invite you to take half a day to spend time with God. Different topics will be presented; you will enjoy moments of silence and prayerful meditation, and the opportunity to share with other young people like you. Join us on this day of prayer and prepare your heart for the celebration of Christmas.



Dcn. Rigoberto Leyva
Director of Hispanic Ministry

Monica Martinez
Administrative Assistant

The Diocese of Fort Worth is dedicated to a Safe Environment. We offer extensive and mandatory training for all employees and volunteers. Please contact the Safe Environment office if you need assistance or to report an abuse or concern.

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