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The Priority of Adult Catechesis

This is the principal form of catechesis, because it is addressed to persons who have the greatest responsibilities and the capacity to live the Christian message in its fully developed form.
(On Catechesis in Our Time #43, Pope St. John Paul II, 1979)

The Ladder of Divine Ascent
The Ladder of Divine Ascent Monastery of St Catherine Sinai, 12th century, Public Domain

The Catechumenal Model

The model of all catechesis is the catechumenate… according to ancient Tradition, every form of catechesis should be inspired by the catechumenal model.
(Adult Catechesis in the Christian Community #66, International Council for Catechesis, 1990)

In the Church, the classic catechumenal model consists in a number of stages.
(Adult Catechesis in the Christian Community #67, International Council for Catechesis, 1990)

Faith, moved by divine grace and cultivated by the action of the Church, undergoes a process of maturation. Catechesis, which is at the service of the growth, is also a gradual activity. Good catechesis is always done in steps.
(General Directory for Catechesis #88, Congregation for the Clergy, 1997)

The Steps in Christian Maturation 

Due to how grace works on nature, these periods of maturation are requisite toward drawing one into closer union with Christ. The necessity of this Catechumenal Model applies to:

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The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew, Duccio (1308-1311), Public Domain

Evangelization and Pre-Catechumenate

That period whereby the loving redemption of the living God is proclaimed and one is called to follow Christ in the initial faith of discipleship.

The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew,
Duccio di Buoninsegna (1308-1311), Public Domain

The Sermon on the Mount, Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834–1890), Public Domain

Catechumenate (Catechesis)

That period following initial conversion when the integral teaching of the Eternal Word of God is shared in a systematic and organic fashion so that the seed of faith can grow in the person.

The Sermon on the Mount,
Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834–1890), Public Domain

Jesus Washing Peters Feet, Ford Madox Brown (1821–1893), Public Domain

Purification and Enlightenment

The period following systematic and organic instruction in the faith that concentrates upon more intense spiritual preparation, interior reflection, and repentance geared toward a firm purpose of amendment.

Jesus Washing Peter's Feet,
Ford Madox Brown (1821–1893), Public Domain

The Triumph of Christianity Over Paganism, Gustave Dore (1832–1883), Public Domain

Mystagogy and Mission

After one has experienced an authentic conversion to Jesus Christ, has received the deposit of the faith, and has turned one’s life over to Christ in obedience to His commandments, one is prepared to live a full and fruitful sacramental life in the Church and is equipped to follow Christ with purpose and mission.

The Triumph of Christianity Over Paganism,
Gustave Dore (1832–1883), Public Domain

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Jason Whitehead, MA
Director of Evangelization and Catechesis,
Director of St. Junipero Serra Institute
Director of Marriage and Family Life
Director of Faith Formation


Julie Kiehlbauch, MS
Executive Assistant

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