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Pro-Life Apostolates

An Apostolate is a public activity of a baptized follower(s) of Jesus Christ on behalf of a Christian community to proclaim, serve, and realize the kingdom of God.

To the same Father and his mercy, you can, with sure hope, entrust your child. With the friendly and expert help and advice of other people… you can be among the most eloquent defenders of everyone’s right to life.

Pope Saint John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae

Support Respect Life

The following are approved Pro-Life Apostolates in the Diocese of Fort Worth.

Mother & Unborn Baby Care

Mother and Unborn Baby Care

By the grace of God, Mother and Unborn Baby Care has saved over 9,000 babies whose mothers were seeking abortion. By making positive, life-affirming alternatives available, the employees and volunteers help women choose to give life to their children. The only Catholic Pro-Life Pregnancy Center in Fort Worth, Mother and Unborn Baby Care provides hope as well as practical and spiritual assistance to women in crisis. The Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the chapel, and mass is offered each week.


Loreto House

Loreto House

Loreto House serves over 2,000 women each year through counseling, parenting classes, educational resources, and assistance with material needs/goods. All of their services are free of charge. Located in Denton, Loreto House is a Catholic pregnancy center which offers a welcoming and loving environment where women can find support, hope, and life-affirming assistance.


Wish List of Needed Items

Gabriel Project

Gabriel Project

For over 25 years, Gabriel Project has provided practical help to women who might otherwise not choose life for their unborn babies. We support the mother's choice of life through prayer, friendship and encouragement, providing emotional and spiritual support, immediate and practical help, pregnancy information, community resources, clothing and baby items.


Wish List of Needed Items

Rachel Ministries

Rachel Ministries

Rachel Ministries is a compassionate faith-based abortion recovery ministry, providing a safe place to find emotional and spiritual healing after an abortion experience. They offer number of options healing options like Post Abortion Healing Retreats, Aftercare Support, and Peer Support. Let the great gift of God’s Divine Mercy heal you.


Website (English)
Hope after abortion

Website (Espanol)
Esperanza pos aborto

WholeLife Authentic Care

WholeLife Authentic Care

As an apostolate of the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, WholeLife Authentic Care, a 501c3 nonprofit, will offer a world-class clinic that honors the sanctity of life, respects the dignity of women and serves the whole family. What makes this practice and effort so unique is the new scientific approach to managing reproductive health: Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System & NaProTECHNOLOGY™. The current landscape of women’s healthcare is lacking in restorative medicine. To change this, we have developed an integrative approach to treating the whole woman.


Seeds of life logo

Seeds of Life

Located in Tarrant and Parker Counties, Seeds of Life offers pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, licensed counseling, material assistance, parenting classes, and adoption referrals. All services are provided confidentially and free of charge. To reach their Hotline call 800-712-4357.


Wish List of Needed Items

Grace House

Grace House

Believing life is sacred, begins at conception, originates and ends by God’s determination, Grace House Ministries engages the community with an integrated approach to offer life-affirming support and resources. See a glimpse.


Wish List of Needed Items

Approved Referrals

As the home of approximately 1,100,000 Catholics, the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth is comprised of 91 parishes in 28 Counties of North Texas. In order to serve individuals around the Diocese, some pregnancy centers have been vetted and deemed catechetically sound and have been approved for referrals. For more information about these approved centers, please contact the Respect Life Office.

Ministry Vetting Process FAQs



Theresa Schauf
Respect Life Coordinator

Melissa Loza
Administrative Assistant

The Diocese of Fort Worth is dedicated to a Safe Environment. We offer extensive and mandatory training for all employees and volunteers. Please contact the Safe Environment office if you need assistance or to report an abuse or concern.

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