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Discernment Events

The following discernment events are offered yearly in the Diocese of Fort Worth. Please visit the diocesan calendar for more information, registration, locations, times and dates.

View calendar Vocation Forms

Please contact the Vocations office at 817-945-9321 or by email with questions or if you are interested in setting up an event in your parish.

St. Andrew Breakfast

St. Andrew Breakfast

A discernment event held at least once a month throughout the Diocese. All men in high school and college are invited to Mass followed by breakfast and discernment. These are opportunities to learn about priesthood with the Vocations Liaisons. This event is offered monthly and begins at 8:00 AM.

St. Patrick Cathedral, Fort Worth

Quo Vadis

Quo Vadis

Quo Vadis is a FREE one-day vocation discernment retreat for young men in High School who are living in the Diocese of Fort Worth. The camp is a rare chance for High School young men to begin considering their vocation from God by speaking with priests and seminarians.

Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House, Lake Dallas

Come and See Weekend

Come & See Weekend

St. Joseph Seminary College offers a weekend live-in experience for men 16 years of age and older who are discerning a call to the priesthood called the Come and See Weekends. The weekend allows to come and see for themselves, to ask questions, express your concerns, meet other seminarians, and pray for God’s will. Transportation, lodging and food are provided.


VAP Weekend

VAP Weekend

Is God calling you? The Vocation Awareness Program is a weekend opportunity for you to listen and find out more information about Priesthood and the religious life. The Vocation Awareness Program helps single Catholic men and women, ages 18-40, find answers to questions they may have about life as a Priest, Sister, or Brother. There are no fees.


Attention: Those in high school (17 years old and below) will need to complete the Vocations Form A and Vocations Form B. Those participants in high school and college who are 18 years old and above will need to complete the Diocese of Fort Worth Safe Environment program at their home parish and then complete Vocations Form D.



Rev. Brett Metzler
Director of Vocations

Rev. Maurice Moon
Director of Collegian Seminarian Formation

Very Rev. Jonathan C. Wallis
Director of Theologian Seminarian Formation

Josie Geisler
Administrative Assistant for Vocations

The Diocese of Fort Worth is dedicated to a Safe Environment. We offer extensive and mandatory training for all employees and volunteers. Please contact the Safe Environment office if you need assistance or to report an abuse or concern.

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