Religious Orders in Diocese
Below is a list of Religious Orders that are "Commissioned" for Active Ministry, or that are "In Residence" in the Diocese of Fort Worth. Please contact these order(s) for more information and/or vocation visits to their specific community.
Men Religious Orders
A list of Men Religious Orders in the Diocese of Fort Worth. Please contact the order(s) for more information.
Congregation of the Mother of the Redeemer (CRM)
"Is a religious order founded by the Most Reverend Dominic Maria, CRM, using the unofficial title Co-Redemptrix to refer to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is dominated by men of Vietnamese extraction. The congregation maintains its’ monastery in Carthage, Missouri and it is composed of a religious community of priests and brothers."
Capuchin Franciscan Friars (OFM Cap.)
The Capuchin Franciscans are the youngest branch of the Franciscans, dating back to 1525, when some Friars Minor from the Marche region, Italy, wanted to live their life of prayer and poverty more rigorously, to be closer to the original spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi, our founder.
The Capuchin name refers to the peculiar shape of our hood. What was originally a nickname became the official name of the Order, which is spread over 99 countries around the world, and has some 11,000 brothers or friars, who live in more than 1,800 fraternities. Simplicity, closeness to the people, our life of prayer and the fraternal spirit in our homes and apostolate are visible signs of our lifestyle. Peace and all Goodness!
Franciscan Friars, Third Order Regular of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Province, USA (TOR)
As friars of the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis and members of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus we vow ourselves to the challenge of living poverty, chastity and obedience in the presence of the Church. In this way, we further the work of Francis of Assisi who unreservedly followed the crucified and risen Christ and the Gospel of preaching repentance and conversion for the salvation of all.
Franciscan Friars, Third Order Regular of the Immaculate Conception Province, USA (TOR)
Members of the Province of the Immaculate Conception take vows that challenge us to live a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience to the Church. We rely on the generosity of our patrons and benefactors who partner with us by making a gift to support our work or by requesting a Mass for a loved one.
Also serving in the Fort Worth Diocese (No website available):
- Franciscan Friars, Third Order Regular of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Province, Mexico (TOR)
- Franciscan Friars, Third Order Regular of the St. Thomas Province, India (TOR)
- Franciscan Friars, Third Order Regular of the St. Louis Vice Province, India (TOR)
Heralds of Good News (HGN)
The specific aim of the Society is the training and supply of saintly, dedicated and hardworking missionaries wherever there is a need, especially due to the shortage of local vocations. The Society has Mary Queen of Apostles and Saint Joseph the Worker as the Patrons.
Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP)
The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter is a Clerical Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical right, that is, a community of Roman Catholic priests who do not take religious vows, but who work together for a common mission in the world. The mission of the Fraternity is two-fold: first, the formation and sanctification of priests in the cadre of the traditional liturgy of the Roman rite, and secondly, the pastoral deployment of the priests in the service of the Church.
Society of Jesus (SJ)
To be a Jesuit is, above all, learning to live in God's presence. Such a life challenges us to pray, to make practical decisions in the light of the gospel and to love as Christ loved. Formation is something we allow God to do - gently, truthfully, consistently. Our formation helps us become in all our humanity an instrument united to God in order to love the world and its people.
Society of the Catholic Apostolate (SAC)
We are a Roman Catholic Community dedicated to promoting the Universal, or Catholic, Apostolate by following the motto of founder St. Vincent Pallotti, “The Love of Christ urges us on!” St. Vincent Pallotti taught that clergy, lay people and those in consecrated life are sent as apostles for the Church and the World. It is this mission that the Pallottines perform as they work in partnership with laity throughout the world.
Rev. Brett Metzler
Director of Vocations
Rev. Maurice Moon
Director of Collegian Seminarian Formation
Very Rev. Jonathan C. Wallis
Director of Theologian Seminarian Formation
Josie Geisler
Administrative Assistant for Vocations
Women Religious Orders
Orders "Commissioned" for Active Ministry
A list of Women Religious Orders "Commissioned" by the Diocese for Active Ministry. Please contact the order(s) for more information.
Discalced Carmelite Nuns, Cloistered Contemplative Monastery (OCD)
The Discalced Carmelite Nuns are part of a worldwide religious family... a cloistered Order of women dedicated to fulfilling a special mission in the Mystical Body of Christ. Our history goes back to the 12th century... and, by tradition, even to Old Testament times and the prophets (particularly the prophet Elijah), whose lives bore witness to the Presence of God among His people.
Dominican Sisters of Mary Immaculate Province (OP)
The sisters are called to glorify God and strive for sanctity in the Dominican charism through observing the evangelical counsels. Their mission is aimed for the salvation of humankind by evangelizing for the reign of God, educating youth in the authentic Catholic spirit, and doing charitable works as exemplified in Christ.
Hermanas Catequistas Guadalupanas (HCG)
Ayudar a los Pastores de la Iglesia en la Regeneración de la Sociedad. Mediante la Educación Cristiana y la Enseñanza de la Doctrina de Jesucristo.
Missionary Catechists of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (MCSH)
We are a Congregation of Religious women and laity that assuming the sentiments of the meekness and humility of the Heart of Jesus Missionary and Catechist, we dedicate ourselves to Evangelization and Catechesis, focusing on service to the families and following the example and the love that comes from the Heart of Mary.
Sisters of St. Mary of Namur (SSMN)
A buoyant spirit of simplicity and joy has enabled the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur to respond to the changing needs of the Church. We strive to listen to the Holy Spirit in reading the signs of the times, accompanying those who are in need and are hurting. We join with so many in the desire to live the beatitudes and to bring God's grace, mercy and peace to this vulnerable world.
The Lovers of the Holy Cross Congregation (LHC)
The Lovers of the Holy Cross Congregation of Vinh, Vietnam, were founded in the 1800’s. The Congregation today has 1115 sisters of 11 communities scattered throughout the Diocese, across 3 provinces of Nghe An, Ha Tinh and Quang Binh. Our spirituality is to love Jesus Christ crucified through the service to others. We have recently been welcomed by Bishop Michael F. Olson to establish a house in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
Orders "In Residence" in the Diocese
A list of Women Religious Orders "In Residence" in the Diocese. Please contact the order(s) for more information.
Congregation of Divine Providence (CDP)
The Sisters of Divine Providence are a community of women religious rooted in our confidence that God is provident. We participate in the mission of Jesus by responding to the needs of the time through ministry and service. We live our lives with complete trust in a provident God –guiding, loving, and caring for all creation.
Congregation of Mary Queen (CMR) American Region
We are the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the World. The name is shortened as Congregation of Mary Queen, in Vietnamese -Dòng Trinh Vương, and in Latin - Congregatio Maria Regina (CMR).
We are a Catholic religious institute of vowed religious women consecrated to God through the Blessed Virgin Mary, to follow Jesus more closely and to serve with love and joy.
Olivetan Benedictine Sisters (OSB)
We are a community of monastic women who seek God through prayer and work in the Olivetan Benedictine tradition. Accordingly, we proclaim Jesus Christ and the Gospel message through our service to each other in community, in hospitality, health care, education and other apostolic works.
Sr. Diana Rodríguez, HCG
Delegate for Women Religious
Josie Castillo
Administrative Associate
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