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Diocesan Guest Speaker Approval Process
Attention: The approval process applies to Pastors, Principals, Parish Directors of Religious Education, and Administrators of any Catholic institution or organization in the Diocese of Fort Worth as they consider inviting speakers who will be teaching-presenting on matters of faith and morals.
Incoming Lay Speaker
The purpose of the Diocesan Guest Speaker Approval Process is two-fold:
- To assure that all incoming lay speakers/groups are properly vetted for fidelity to the doctrinal teachings of the Catholic Church by way of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
- To assure that all incoming lay speakers/groups are properly vetted and up-to-date with their Safe Environment status in order to assure the safety of all parishioners within the Diocese of Fort Worth.
Incoming Religious Speaker
A formal testimonial letter from your diocese or order must be emailed to Chancery or mailed to the Catholic Center and must include the following information:
- Religious speaker is in good standing with their diocese/organization,
- Religious speaker knows of nothing that would in any way limit or disqualify him/her from the described ministry, and he/she will adhere to all pertinent policies and ethical agreements of the diocese/organization,
- Religious speaker is not aware of anything in his/her background that would render him/her unsuitable to work with minor children, and he/she has passed a background check and has never been convicted of a crime or is facing criminal charges,
- Religious speaker has completed and is in current status with the Diocesan Child and Youth Protection protocols of his/her diocese/organization.
- Religious speaker has included the date, the location, and the reason for the visit.
Chancery Office: |
Mailing Address: |
Julie Kiehlbauch, MS
Executive Assistant
Jason Whitehead, MA
Director of Evangelization and Catechesis,
Director of St. Junipero Serra Institute
Director of Marriage and Family Life
Director of Faith Formation
The Diocese of Fort Worth is dedicated to a Safe Environment. We offer extensive and mandatory training for all employees and volunteers. Please contact the Safe Environment office if you need assistance or to report an abuse or concern.
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