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Missionary Childhood Association (MCA)

Missionary Childhood Association

The Missionary Childhood Association (MCA) is a world-wide organization made up of Catholic youth: from baptism to teen years.

Called by Baptism to share the gospel with others, we serve the Church world-wide through a distinct focus entirely on children. Dedicated to the idea of "children helping children," an awareness of the universality of the Church and the call to witness our faith is enhanced through global education, prayer and support from children to children across the continents.

MCA National Christmas Artwork Contest

Can a kid be a missionary?

Missionary Childhood says "Yes!" Find out how you can get involved.

History of Missionary Childhood Association

MCA Member Kids...

Pray for Each Other

The Missionary Childhood Association is a Pontifical Mission Society, which means it is missionary work under the direction of the Pope and his bishops. This is an institution of the Church and so is led by the Holy Spirit. MCA members will be encouraged to pray daily and develop a strong relationship with God. They will learn the importance of praying for our brothers and sisters in countries all over the world. We are one family in mission!

Learn About Children

The work of the MCA supports MISSION churches in dioceses located in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Oceania and the Americas. Each year MCA members will have a chance to learn about the lives of children just like them in a different part of the world in many fun ways. How do children in Kenya celebrate Christmas? What kind of prayers do Haitian children say? What are the struggles of children in India?

Understand How the Church Serves

Missionaries serve the Church all over the world. MCA members will learn more about the work of missionaries sharing the love of God. They also will learn how they too, as baptized members of the Church, can serve as missionaries! No matter where we live, we can find many ways to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Make Sacrifices for Other Children

MCA members are given the opportunity year-round to offer sacrifices for other MCA members. Schools and parishes may offer their children collection boxes to be used during special times of the year. Institutions and individuals can hold creative fundraisers to collect money. Students might decide to give up a certain luxury so that the money can be shared. MCA members are encouraged to be creative with the way they support children in mission dioceses.

MCA Around the World

Click on the flags to visit Missionary Childhood Associations around the world. Want to know where a certain country is located? Find it on Google Maps.

Flag of Colombia


Flag of Portugal


Flag of France


Flag of Kenya


Flag of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

Flag of Canada


Flag of Germany


Flag of Italy


Flag of Philippines


Flag of Australia


Flag of England


Flag of Scotland


Flag of Peru


Flag of Nigeria


Flag of Tanzania


Flag of the United States

United States



Rev. Brijil Lawrence, SAC
Director of the Propagation of the Faith
Chairman of the Diocesan Mission Council


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