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Walking with Moms in Need
The Diocese of Fort Worth is launching Walking with Moms in Need on May 31, 2021, the feast day of the Visitation. Our Lady and St. Elizabeth, along with St. Joseph, will be our patrons!
What is Walking with Moms in Need?

“Walking with Moms in Need (WWMIN) is a time of service in which Catholic parishes and communities ‘walk in the shoes’ of local pregnant and parenting women in need. Everyone should know how to help moms in difficult circumstances. While not trying to turn Catholic parishes into pregnancy centers, we can support local pregnancy centers where they exist, and we can also find and share other resources with pregnant and parenting women. And where there are few local resources, we can create our own, based on the gifts of the parish community! We hope you and your parish will join us in Walking with Moms in Need.” (from the USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat)
Visit the WWMIN website for more helpful tools.
Recommended Timeline for the Diocese of Fort Worth:
You can edit and adjust this timeline to meet the needs of your parish. For example, if you cannot begin until July 2021, that is fine! Schedule the year in a way that fits your schedule and that of your parish.
WWMIN 2021 Recommended Timeline
Existing, Vetted, & Approved Respect Life Resources in the Diocese of Fort Worth:
Existing Respect Life Ministries
More Resources:
Please contact the Respect Life Office with any questions you may have.
Theresa Schauf
Respect Life Coordinator
Melissa Loza
Administrative Assistant
The Diocese of Fort Worth is dedicated to a Safe Environment. We offer extensive and mandatory training for all employees and volunteers. Please contact the Safe Environment office if you need assistance or to report an abuse or concern.
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