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Training for Liturgical Ministers

The office of Liturgy & Worship is available to assist you in your parish. We can provide training in your deanery or parish. We will publish soon an annual calendar with the list of different trainings of liturgical ministries at various locations of the Diocese. Training can be provided in English and Español.
These include training for coordinators:
- Liturgical Committees
- Ministry of Altar Serving
- Ministry of Hospitality
- Ministry of Readers at Mass
- Ministry of Liturgical Music
- Extraordinary Ministry of Holy Communion
- Ornamentation of Church & Sacristy
Liturgical Workshop for Coordinators
Taller Litúrgica para Coordinadores | Hội thảo Phụng vụ cho Điều phối viên
The Diocesan Liturgy & Worship office will provide Liturgical Workshops for Liturgy & Special Celebrations at multiple locations across the Diocese of Fort Worth, offering them in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Please note: This workshop is for Parish Liturgical Coordinators in Ministries and individuals who are interested in Liturgy, with the approval of the Pastor for future service in Liturgical Ministries.
Rev. Thu Nguyen
Director of Liturgy & Worship
Julie Kiehlbauch
Executive Assistant
The Diocese of Fort Worth is dedicated to a Safe Environment. We offer extensive and mandatory training for all employees and volunteers. Please contact the Safe Environment office if you need assistance or to report an abuse or concern.
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