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Certification Curriculum

The certification curriculum is for those interested in receiving a certificate and volunteering within their parish. Please note that level I and II apply to all concentrations and level III is specific by ministerial concentration.

Curriculum Levels

Please click on the sections below to expand them and view more information.



Level I: Catechism

Courses offered:

  • Catechism I
    Revelation, Sacred Scripture, Faith, the Trinity, Creation and Providence, Angels.
  • Catechism II
    Image of God and the Fall, The Incarnation, Mary, the Holy Spirit, the Church, the Four Last Things.
  • Catechism III
    The Sacramental Economy and Grace, Baptism and Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance and Anointing, Holy Orders, Matrimony.
  • Catechism IV
    The Universal Call to Holiness, the Moral Life, the Virtues, the Commandments, Catholic Social Teaching, Prayer.

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Level II: Core

Courses offered:

  • Foundations of Catholicism (Fundamental Theology)
  • Introduction to the Creed I
  • Introduction to the Creed II
  • The Seven Sacraments
  • Church History
  • Our Moral Life in Christ

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Level III: Concentrations

Please review all the concentrations and courses offered to help you decide your area of interest.

Sacred Scripture Concentration

  • Old Testament Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • Pentateuch
  • The Gospels
  • The Epistles of St. Paul

OCIA Concentration

  • Evangelization & Catechesis
  • OCIA I
  • Canon Law of Marriage
  • Elective

Youth Ministry Concentration

  • Evangelization & Catechesis
  • Intro to Youth Ministry
  • Pastoral Applications in Youth Ministry
  • Discipleship in Youth Ministry
  • Elective

Marriage and Family Concentration

  • Principles of Marriage Preparation
  • Theology and History of Matrimony
  • Canon Law of Marriage
  • Post-Cana Formation and the Family
  • Elective

General Concentration

  • Courses 1-5: Electives

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Jason Whitehead, MA
Director of Evangelization and Catechesis
Director of St. Junipero Serra Institute
Director of Marriage and Family Life


Julie Kiehlbauch, MS
Executive Assistant

The Diocese of Fort Worth is dedicated to a Safe Environment. We offer extensive and mandatory training for all employees and volunteers. Please contact the Safe Environment office if you need assistance or to report an abuse or concern.

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