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Showing 111 of the most relevant results for: Diócesis de Fort Worth

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The e-Bulletin for February 8, 2024.
Vocations Ministries work to create a culture of vocations in each parish, school, campus ministry, and with Catholic families. The establishment of vocation ministries and activities in all parishes encourages parishes to involve each family and...
The biography of Bishop Michael F. Olson, S.T.D., M.A.
The Office of Youth Ministry seeks to serve the youth and their families of our diocese in a variety of ways. We offer various events throughout the year for both middle school and high school age youth.
Contact information for the Catholic Schools Department.
A brief historical summary of the Diocese of Fort Worth.
A list of the cemeteries and columbaria in the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth.
Contact information for the North Texas Catholic.
A list of all the deaneries and their appointed dean for the Diocese of Fort Worth.

Other Results
A google map of all the parishes in the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth.
Submit your intentions for prayer, and Bishop Michael F. Olson will include them at Mass, with the intentions and needs of the faithful throughout the Diocese of Fort Worth.
La Fundación San Pío ha ofrecido a la Diócesis Católica de Fort Worth una reliquia de primera clase de San Pío para la creación de una Capilla de San Pío. Otras dos diócesis, la Diócesis de Salina y la Diócesis de Pittsburgh, han sido designadas...
Las siguientes acciones se encuentran entre las medidas adoptadas por la Diócesis de Fort Worth para combatir el abuso y promover la sanación y rehabilitación dentro de nuestra Diócesis...
San Francisco de Sales es un programa de formación para catequistas de la Diócesis de Fort Worth.
Información de contacto para reportar abuso sexual en la Diócesis de Fort Worth.
Asistencia para las víctimas de abuso sexual y sus familiares en la Diócesis de Fort Worth.
Las mejores prácticas, políticas y procedimientos generales de la Oficina de Ambiente Seguro de la Diócesis de Fort Worth.
Éstos son los requisitos de Ambiente Seguro para cualquier persona que desee ser empleado o voluntario en la Diócesis de Fort Worth.
La Oficina de la Liturgia y el Culto Divino sirve como recurso litúrgico y educativo para el clero y las parroquias de la Diócesis de Fort Worth.
La Oficina de la Liturgia y el Culto Divino sirve como recurso litúrgico y educativo para el clero y las parroquias de la Diócesis de Fort Worth.
El siguiente proceso de aprobación se aplica a los pastores, directores, administradores de la educación religiosa de la parroquia, y administradoras de cualquier institución u organización católica en la diócesis de Fort Worth...
A través del Instituto San Junípero Serra (SJSI, por siglas en inglés), la Diócesis de Fort Worth busca cumplir la misión de formar a los laicos en las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica.
Formando la conciencia para ser ciudadanos fieles. La siguiente información ha sido aprobada para su uso por el Obispo de la Diócesis de Fort Worth.
El Tribunal de la Diócesis de Fort Worth es la oficina que adjudica el estado matrimonial en la Iglesia Católica de cualquier persona divorciada quien ha pedido una declaractión de nulidad (una "anulación") de un matrimonio previo.
La misión de la Pastoral Juvenil Hispana (P.J.H.) de la Diócesis de Fort Worth es evangelizar al jóven hispano para que responda al llamado de ser discípulo de Jesús y así, crear y mantener unidad en medio de una sociedad multicultural.
El Consejo de la Pastoral Juvenil Hispana (PJH) de la Diócesis de Fort Worth es el organismo que agrupa y coordina a todos los Grupos, Movimientos y Comunidades (GMC) de los jóvenes hispanos y los representa ante los otros organismos de la Iglesia.
El Tribunal de la Diócesis de Fort Worth ejerce su ministerio, basado en la enseñanza de la Iglesia Católica, en un espíritu de reconciliación y compasión, siempre con la máxima confidencialidad. Más allá de evaluar la validez de un matrimonio, el Tribuna...
La Diócesis Católica de Fort Worth comienza un nuevo grupo de formación para el diaconado permanente cada 2 años. Si se siente llamado por Dios a esta vocación, es importante que hable con su familia y su párroco y...
El Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de Fort Worth se ha comprometido a acoger y promover la identidad cultural de los diferentes rostros de nuestra Iglesia local, y la construcción de una identidad profundamente católica y pluricultural.
El Tribunal de la Diócesis de Fort Worth ejerce su ministerio, fundado en la enseñanza de la Iglesia Católica, en un espíritu de reconciliación y compasión, siempre con la máxima confidencialidad. Más que llegar a una decisión de invalidez, el Tribunal ig...
El Programa de Ambiente Seguro está diseñado para garantizar una conducta segura y respetuosa en todos los ministerios de la Diócesis Católica de Fort Worth que realce y proteja la dignidad y la confianza de todo el pueblo de Dios.
La Diócesis de Fort Worth está comprometida a ayudar a matrimonios con problemas. Experiencias de fin de semana se ofrecen durante todo el año para dar a las parejas herramientas que necesitan para redescubrir entre sí y su matrimonio.
La Diócesis de Fort Worth ofrece actualmente entrenamiento en línea para los Voluntarios Adultos y Adolescentes y los Empleados. Para obtener más información acerca del proceso de entrenamiento, por favor, visite esta página.
Incluso los mejores matrimonios necesitan una afinación. La Diócesis de Fort Worth se ha comprometido a ayudar a buenos matrimonios que se convierten en grandiosos matrimonios. Hay muchos retiros ofrecidos a lo largo del año para ayudar a las parejas a...
In the wake of the hurricanes affecting our neighbors in Texas, it's a good time to rally together as the Diocese of Fort Worth and support them as best we can. Our very own disaster response team at Catholic Charities Fort Worth has been hard at work...
The Diocese of Fort Worth is committed to eradicating the evil of sexual abuse of minors. The protection of our children is a moral obligation and is of paramount importance to the Diocese of Fort Worth.
The Communications Department for the Diocese of Fort Worth.
A list of policies of the Diocese of Fort Worth.
The Mission Council of the Diocese of Fort Worth.
A list of discernment events in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
The following is a list of approved Apostolates in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
A list of parish mission activities in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
A complete list of scheduled Confirmations throughout the Diocese of Fort Worth.
Contact information for reporting any sexual abuse in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
A list of locations where an interpreted Mass is offered in the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth.
Hospital Ministry provides spiritual care to patients in Fort Worth’s downtown hospitals.
Outreach to victims of sexual abuse and their family members in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
Here are the Safe Environment requirements for anyone wishing to be employed or volunteering in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
These steps provide a general overview of the normal requirements and procedures in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
The best practices, comprehensive policies and procedures for the Safe Environment Office of the Diocese of Fort Worth.
Contact information and directions to the Pastoral and Administrative offices (Catholic Center) of the Diocese of Fort Worth.
Contact information for the Chancery - assisting the Bishop in the pastoral and administrative governance of the Diocese of Fort Worth.
Welcome to Young Adult Ministry (YAM) of the Diocese of Fort Worth. We encourage you to get involved and to participate in the various activities and groups.
A ministry to deaf or hard of hearing persons and their family members in the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth.
The office of Liturgy & Worship serves as a liturgical and educational resource for the clergy and parishes of the Diocese of Fort Worth.
The Office of Worship serves as a liturgical and educational resource for the clergy and parishes of the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth.
The required release forms for any adult, volunteer, or child who wishes to participate in a diocesan event in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
The required release forms for any adult, volunteer, or child who wishes to participate in a diocesan event in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
The required release forms for any adult, volunteer, or child who wishes to participate in a diocesan event in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
Sign Language Classes and Religious Education for deaf children, adults, or their hearing family members in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
The Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth Diocesan Office of Pontifical Missions is currently accepting applications for the annual Missionary Cooperation Plan
The Diocesan Formation Center in Fort Worth, Texas provides a comfortable, peaceful setting for individual and group retreats, as well as both religious and secular conferences and gatherings.
With Praise and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, we celebrate the 10-year Anniversary of the installation of Most Reverend Michael F. Olson, the fourth bishop and shepherd of the Diocese of Fort Worth.
A listing of full-time and part-time job opportunities available in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
All young adults, ages 18-35, of the Diocese of Fort Worth are invited to a special Mass celebrated by Bishop Michael Olson on Thursday, September 14th at 6:30 PM.
The Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth starts a new formation cohort for the Permanent Diaconate every 2 years. If you feel called by God to this vocation it is important that you talk to your family and your pastor and...
The Emmaus Conference for a profound spiritual journey that will lead deeper into the mystery of the Mass. All High School students in the Diocese of Fort Worth are invited to attend.
A list of Religious Orders (men and women) that are currently serving in active ministry in the Diocese of Fort Worth. Please contact the order(s) for more information and/or vocation visits to their specific community.
News statements and pastoral letters are released to the faithful of the Diocese of Fort Worth, and general public regularly regarding important events, policies and other official matters.
This page displays public events occurring in the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth under the following events categories: Diocesan, Parish, School, Vocations, and Other.
One hundred percent of three special collections each year stay in the Diocese of Fort Worth. These collections support our Catholic schools, our seminarians and our priests.
The Diocese of Fort Worth currently offers in person training for Adult Volunteers and Employees. For more information about the training process, please visit this page.
The Mission Office of the Diocese of Fort Worth, looks to educate and inspire people to take seriously their baptismal responsibility to be on mission in whatever context they live and work.
Throughout the year, parishes throughout the Diocese of Fort Worth take up special collections to support the work of Christ in our Diocese, in the United States and throughout the world. Please give generously.
The approval process applies to Pastors, Principals, Parish Directors of Religious Education, and Administrators of any Catholic institution or organization in the Diocese of Fort Worth as they consider inviting speakers who will be teaching-presenting...
e-Bulletin is the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth’s electronic newsletter to communication news and information from the Diocese, it departments and its ministries to diocesan, parish and school employees.
St. Junipero Serra Institute is an Adult Formation Program by the Diocese of Fort Worth. This new institute continues the mission of forming the laity in the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The Hispanic Ministry in the Diocese of Fort Worth is committed to welcome and promote the cultural identity of the faces of our local Church, and to build a deeply Catholic and multicultural identity.
The Diocese of Fort Worth invites women 16-32 years of age to the Women's Vocations Discernment Retreat on Saturday, November 9, 2024, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Priory in Georgetown, Texas.
The Council of Pastoral Juvenil Hispana (PJH) of the Diocese of Fort Worth is the body that brings together and coordinates all Hispanic Groups, Movements, and Communities (GMC) of Hispanic youth and represents them before other Church organizations.
The Marriage Tribunal of the Diocese of Fort Worth is the office which adjudicates the marital status in the Catholic Church of any divorced person who has requested a declaration of nullity (an annulment) of a previous marriage.
The Saint Pio Foundation has offered the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth a first-class relic of Saint Pio for the creation of a Chapel of Saint Pio. Other two dioceses are designated Chapels, and others will be enlisted...
The Safe Environment program is dedicated to ensuring a culture of safe and respectful conduct in all ministries of the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, enhancing and protecting the dignity and trust of all God’s people.
The Respect Life Office serves the Diocese of Fort Worth through Education, Pastoral Care, Prayer and Worship, and Public Policy in order to protect life from conception to natural death.
Please join Bishop Michael Olson for the Diocese of Fort Worth Jubilee 2025 Pilgrimage to Rome. The diocesan pilgrimage will take place from June 20-28, 2025.
The Safe Environment office will be offering special presentations for the faithful of the Diocese of Fort Worth on a variety of important topics related to Safe Environment.
Answers to most often asked questions about how the Diocese of Fort Worth strives to provide a safe environment for minors and how it handles allegations of sexual abuse of minors by members of the clergy, including the bishop, priests and...
Even the best marriages need a tune up. The Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth is committed to helping good marriages become great marriages. There are many retreats offered throughout the year to help couples grow closer to Jesus Christ, and each other.
El Centro de Formación Diocesano en Fort Worth, Texas, ofrece un entorno cómodo y tranquilo para retiros individuales y grupales, así como para conferencias y reuniones tanto religiosas como seculares.
The mission of the Hispanic Youth Ministry (called Pastoral Juvenil Hispana) of the Diocese of Fort Worth is to evangelize the young Hispanic to respond to the call to be a disciple of Jesus in order to create and foster unity in a multicultural society.
¿Qué ocurre cuando una persona presenta un reporte de abuso sexual a la Diócesis?
Envié la solicitud de Nihil Obstat  a el Tribunal al menos cuatro semanas antes de la fecha de la boda . El propósito de  N Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con  Dagcy Castañeda , Notaria Eclesiástica, al 817-945-943 5 . ihil Obstat  es para confirma...
Catholic Communication Campaign Collection May 11-12, 2024 Co nnect with Christ and One Another right 97790 0 0 Your support for the CCC helps the Church to modernize how it communicates the joy of the Gospel in developing nations worldwide. Not only does...
Misión de Kairós: Desde el encuentro con Jesucristo, formar y capacitar personas sanas, libres y entregadas, para amar y servir a la iglesia y a la sociedad.
En esta página encontrarás recursos para la familia.
Apostolados del Ministerio Hispano corrientes, aprobados y activos.
En esta página encontrará pautas catequéticas diocesanas.
En esta página encontrarás planes de estudios aprobados para la educación familiar y religiosa.
Inscripción para el Instituto San Junipero Serra.
Recursos para el Programa Básico de Formación de Catequistas de San Francisco De Sales.
Recursos para ayudarte a aprender y crecer en tu fe católica.
Inscripción para el Programa Básico de Formación de Catequistas de St. Francis De Sales.
La Oficina de Respeto a la Vida sirve a las parroquias y a la comunidad a través de la oración, la educación, el cuidado pastoral y la acción cívica. Nuestra misión es promover la dignidad de toda vida humana desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural.
Los Talleres de Oración y Vida son una nueva forma de evangelizacion. Más viva y con una visión más positiva de lo que se ha mostrado siempre. Es una presentación más vibrante y activa de Jesús que posee una mayor adaptación a...
Para aquellos que están comprometidos y quieren casarse en la Iglesia, tenemos programas de preparación de matrimonios dirigidos a ayudar a las parejas a hablar sobre temas que no surgen durante las citas, tales como fe, finanzas, criar hijos...
Esta página le ayudará a aquellos que comienzan el proceso de declaración de nulidad (una anulación) a encontrar su Decanato y su Defensor Principal.
Nuestra misión y propósito como discípulos de Cristo y como una oficina diocesana es ayudar a llevar a la gente a una unión íntima con Jesucristo a través de la asistencia y el apoyo de las parroquias en el desarrollo de una Evangelización dinámica...
Catequesis es la educación de la fe de los niños, de los jóvenes y adultos, que comprende especialmente una enseñanza de la doctrina cristiana, dada generalmente de modo orgánico y sistemático...

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