Showing 118 of the most relevant results for: Marriage
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Even the best marriages need a tune up. The Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth is committed to helping good marriages become great marriages. There are many retreats offered throughout the year to help couples grow closer to Jesus Christ, and each other.
Contact information for Marriage & Family Life.
A one day or two evening experience for engaged couples to begin their formal marriage preparation process. The class includes a series of talks/activities on topics such as: Marriage as a Sacrament, Vows, and Sexuality in the marriage as God planned it.
These marriage preparation programs are aimed at helping couples talk about issues they may not have discussed while they were dating, such as: faith, finances, raising kids, family backgrounds, conflict resolution, etc.
These marriage preparation programs are aimed at helping couples talk about issues they may not have discussed while they were dating, such as: faith, finances, raising kids, family backgrounds, conflict resolution, etc.
These steps provide a general overview of the normal requirements and procedures in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
A list of questions that are frequently asked by individuals requesting an annulment (called a declaration of nullity) from a previous marriage.
This page will help those beginning the declaration of invalidity (an Annulment) process find their Deanery and Chief Advocate.
Fully Engaged is a Sponsor Couple program for engaged couples to help them learn more about the Sacrament of Marriage.
We are dedicated to serving couples wishing to get married in the Church, struggling marriages, strengthening families, and healing for those divorced or grieving.
A list of Tribunal forms for those petitioning a declaration of invalidity (an Annulment), as well as their Advocates.
The Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us.
The Marriage Tribunal of the Diocese of Fort Worth is the office which adjudicates the marital status in the Catholic Church of any divorced person who has requested a declaration of nullity (an annulment) of a previous marriage.
This program is for those who want to have their marriage validated/sanated in the Church.
A variety of helpful educational resources for forming conscience in regards to faithful Catholic teaching and civic action in the public square.
The Marriage & Family Life Office is committed to continuing the vision that Pope John Paul II had for families to be aided and supported by the Church. On this page you will find resources to help and strengthen the family.
Other Results
We are dedicated to serving couples wishing to get married in the Church, struggling marriages, strengthening families, and healing for those divorced or grieving.
Case Name: Protocol No. ( ONLY a Priest , Deacon , or Tribunal Advocate may compl ete this form.) Please type in your answers. Since the Catholic Church recognizes the first marriage of two people as a valid marriage, any subsequent marriage(s) by either ...
W orld w ide Marriage Encounter Dallas - Fort Worth - East Texas Bulletin Announcements : (please include these announcements in your parish bulletins) February 1-2, 2025 - Is your marriage being tested? Bring it to God on the next Worldwide Marriage Enco...
W orld w ide Marriage Encounter Dallas - Fort Worth - East Texas Bulletin Announcements : (please include these announcements in your parish bulletins) February 3-4, 2024 - “He cured many who were sick with various diseases.” Is your marriage suffering fr...
W orld w ide Marriage Encounter Dallas - Fort Worth - East Texas Bulletin Announcements : (please include these announcements in your parish bulletins) August 3-4, 2024 - Do you hunger for a deeper love in your marriage? Let Jesus fill your hunger by atte...
W orld w ide Marriage Encounter Dallas - Fort Worth - East Texas Bulletin Announcements : (please include these announcements in your parish bulletins) Jan. 4-5 , 2025 – “They prostrated themselves and did him homage.” The kings saw a king in a tiny baby....
W orld w ide Marriage Encounter Dallas - Fort Worth - East Texas Bulletin Announcements : (please include these announcements in your parish bulletins) Nov. 2-3, 2024 - “The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself”. Your spouse is your cl...
Case Name: Protocol No. ( ONLY a Priest , Deacon , or Tribunal Advocate may compl ete this form.) This petition is used in cases where a Catholic entered into a marriage without fulfilling the requirement of canonical form ( Canon s 1108 -1117 ) and that ...
W orld w ide Marriage Encounter Dallas - Fort Worth - East Texas Bulletin Announcements : (please include these announcements in your parish bulletins) July 6-7, 2024 - “…and many who heard him were astonished.” Jesus commands us to love one another. Lear...
W orld w ide Marriage Encounter Dallas - Fort Worth - East Texas Bulletin Announcements : (please include these announcements in your parish bulletins) April 6-7, 2024 - Are we like Thomas and doubt the power of God? Learn the tools to put God in your Sac...
W orld w ide Marriage Encounter Dallas - Fort Worth - East Texas Bulletin Announcements : (please include these announcements in your parish bulletins) Oct. 5-6, 2024 - “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, an...
Case Name: Protocol No. Only Clergy or a Tribunal Advocate may complete this form. If there are multiple marriages, use a separate copy of this form to discern each marriage individually , in the same sequence as the marriages . If you click “False” for a...
W orld w ide Marriage Encounter Dallas - Fort Worth - East Texas Bulletin Announcements : (please include these announcements in your parish bulletins) June 1-2, 2024 - The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is the most precious gift that God has giv...
T he Tribunal of the Diocese of Fort Worth exercises its ministry, grounded in the teaching of the Catholic Church, in a spirit of reconciliation and compassion, always with the utmost confidentiality. Beyond evaluating the validity of a marriage, the Tri...
W orld w ide Marriage Encounter Dallas - Fort Worth - East Texas Bulletin Announcements : (please include these announcements in your parish bulletins) Sept. 7-8, 2024 - “He has done all things well. He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” Let Jesus s...
W orld w ide Marriage Encounter Dallas - Fort Worth - East Texas Bulletin Announcements : (please include these announcements in your parish bulletins) Dec. 7-8, 2024 - “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” Sign up today to prepare your ...
W orld w ide Marriage Encounter Dallas - Fort Worth - East Texas Bulletin Announcements : (please include these announcements in your parish bulletins) May 4-5, 2024 - This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than th...
T he Tribunal of the Diocese of Fort Worth exercises its ministry, grounded in the teaching of the Catholic Church, in a spirit of reconciliation and compassion, always with the utmost confidentiality. Beyond evaluating the validity of a marriage, the Tri...
T he Tribunal of the Diocese of Fort Worth exercises its ministry, grounded in the teaching of the Catholic Church, in a spirit of reconciliation and compassion, always with the utmost confidentiality. Beyond evaluating the validity of a marriage , the Tr...
W orld w ide Marriage Encounter Dallas - Fort Worth - East Texas Bulletin Announcements : (please include these announcements in your parish bulletins) March 2-3, 2024 - “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I...
These marriage preparation programs are aimed at helping couples talk about issues they may not have discussed while they were dating, such as: faith, finances, raising kids, family backgrounds, conflict resolution, etc.
PETITIONER CONVALIDATION QUESTIONNAIRE FORM B Please note: It is imperative that you give thorough, detailed answers. Pay special attention to those questions which ask you to describe, give examples or explain. You know the story of your life and your re...
( ONLY a Priest, Deacon, or Tribunal Advocate may complete this form.) Please type in your answers. Sanatio Petition ☐ The Sanatio Petition shou ld include the attached form. All information must be completed ( single-sided, no blanks) . ☐ State clearly t...
Submit a Nihil Obstat r equest to the Tribunal at least four weeks prior to a wedding date . If you have any questions, please contact Dagcy Castañeda, Ecclesiastical Notary, at 817-945-9435. The purpose of the Nihil Obstat is to confirm that all the step...
Case Name: Protocol No. ( ONLY a Priest, Deacon, or Tribunal Advocate may complete this form.) Please type in your answers. St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians (7:12-15) establishes the principle that the Church calls the Pauline Privilege . In suc...
Case Name: Protocol No. The Petitioner and, if he/she chooses to participate, the Respondent will either independently or jointly complete and submit a Marital Assessment and Questionnaire. The items to be assessed refer to major traits or conditions that...
The following are the Singles Programs offered at the parish level.
Vocation Bulletin Blurbs First Sunday of Advent 202 4 to Feast of Christ the King 202 5 Cycle C Attn: Bulletin Editor and Parish Vocation Promoter First Sunday of Advent - December 1, 2024 "Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to e...
The audit curriculum for the St. Junipero Serra Institute is designed those wanting to take courses for the purpose of deepening their knowledge and faith.
If you are Divorced, Separated or Widowed, please know that the Catholic Church is here to walk with you. You are not alone. On this page you will find programs that can help you through this difficult time in your life.
The certification curriculum for the St. Junipero Serra Institute. For those interested in receiving a certificate, accreditation, or volunteering within the parish mission in any of the areas/concentrations outlined below.
The diocesan singles ministry is for (35 +) singles, separated, widowed or divorced.
Frequently asked questions about Natural Family Planning.
Resources for the St. Francis De Sales Basic Catechist Formation Program.
Registration for the St. Junipero Serra Institute.
The approval process applies to Pastors, Principals, Parish Directors of Religious Education, and Administrators of any Catholic institution or organization in the Diocese of Fort Worth as they consider inviting speakers who will be teaching-presenting...
The approval process applies to Pastors, Principals, Parish Directors of Religious Education, and Administrators of any Catholic institution or organization in the Diocese of Fort Worth as they consider inviting speakers who will be teaching-presenting...
Resources for the St. Junipero Serra Institute.
To assist and support parishes in developing dynamic Faith Formation that fosters life-long "faith seeking" understanding and conversion, and promotes full and active participation in the life of the Church.
The aim of the St. Frances De Sales Basic Catechist Formation Program is to form catechists. A catechist is a person who desires to teach the Catholic faith and become an effective witness of the Gospel.
General Information about the St. Junipero Serra Institute.
St. Junipero Serra Institute is an Adult Formation Program by the Diocese of Fort Worth. This new institute continues the mission of forming the laity in the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Welcome to the St. Junipero Serra Institute’s Curriculum page. We’re glad you are here to learn more about your Catholic faith. On this page you will find a breakdown of the two ways the institute offers classes: Certification and Continuous Education.
Our mission is to help draw people into an intimate union with Jesus Christ through assisting and supporting parishes in developing dynamic Evangelism and Adult Catechesis that fosters life-long conversion and commitment.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a specialized form of religious education for children that is held at parishes in the summer, usually for a week long, and at various times and locations.
The approval process applies to Pastors, Principals, Parish Directors of Religious Education, and Administrators of any Catholic institution or organization in the Diocese of Fort Worth as they consider inviting speakers who will be teaching-presenting...
Registration for the St. Francis De Sales Basic Catechist Formation Program.
On this page you will find diocesan catechetical guidelines.
A list of the diocesan departments, programs and related organizations, with descriptions, staff pictures and contact information, as well as the online directory.
On this page you will find resources for the family.
The Office of Youth Ministry works to serve the youth ministers, Full-Time, Part-Time, and Volunteer, of our diocese. We do this by providing formation and retreats. Our goal is to help with their overall spiritual and professional development as...
This page offers help to individuals who are struggling with emotional and spiritual wounds from abortion. We are here to help you.
A google map of all the parishes in the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth.
The Office of Youth Ministry and Adolescent Catechesis is committed to the meaningful involvement of young people in the parish and diocesan Catholic Church, the calling forth and celebrating of their many gifts as disciples.
The Office of Youth Ministry seeks to serve the youth and their families of our diocese in a variety of ways. We offer various events throughout the year for both middle school and high school age youth.
Resources to help you learn and grow in your Catholic faith.
To bring awareness for the 2021 April — Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Safe Environment Office had a Rosary for Healing & Protection created. All are encouraged to recite this rosary for the healing of those who have been abused and the protection...
School of Leaders Meeting Schedule rotating at 3 different parishes
Currently active and Approved Hispanic Ministry Apostolates.
All young adults, ages 18-35, of the Diocese of Fort Worth are invited to a special Mass celebrated by Bishop Michael Olson on Thursday, September 14th at 6:30 PM.
This form of the Order of Christian Initiation is intended for children.
Together we will pray for an end to abortion, euthanasia and all the offenses against the sanctity and dignity of human life.
A half day retreat for students in grades 6-8. Join us on this half day retreat where you will be immersed in the Word of God, engage in scriptural prayer, and discover the incredible story of our salvation.
Our ministry includes: Theology on Tap, support for local parish programs, opportunities for community outreach, prayer, retreats, athletic and outdoor events.
Resources and Links for parish Youth Ministers, Youth Leaders and Volunteers.
The Middle School Rally is an opportunity for middle school youth and their adult leaders from across the Diocese to spend a full day together in celebration of our Catholic faith and identity.
Saint Anthony, please help me find...
Tag Cloud:
Adult Catechesis Adult Formation Program Ambiente Seguro Bishop Michael Olson Campus Ministry College Ministry Deacons Diaconado Diocese Diocese of Fort Worth Diócesis de Fort Worth Family Catechesis Fort Worth Diocese Instituto San Junipero Serra Liturgia y Culto Divino Marriage Mission Outreach Mission Work Pontifical Missions Safe Environment San Francisco de Sales St. Junipero Serra Institute Tribunal Young Adult Ministry e-Bulletin