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Project St. Lawrence

Deacon and Martyr
Project St. Lawrence is the initial stage of discernment (inquiry period) to a possible vocation to the diaconate. It is a series of two-hour monthly sessions in various parishes in the Diocese of Fort Worth for those sensing a call to the diaconate. Project St. Lawrence is for both husband and wife (couple) so that they discern together if this is truly where God is calling them. The goal of the project is to help them discern and answer God’s call to the diaconate.
A typical session includes, but not limited to, the following:
- Deacon and wife testimonial: Hear deacons share about their own sense of call, their formation journeys, and their lives of service.
- The Diaconate: Learn who a deacon is (qualities and characteristics); what a deacon does (three-fold ministries of word, liturgy and charity); and how a deacon is formed (discernment and formation).
- Prayer: Pray the Liturgy of the Hours
- Fellowship: Enjoy the fellowship of other men/couples sensing a call to the diaconate in a joyful and faith-filled environment
Topics that will be presented by a team of deacons and include:
- The Meaning of Vocation (St. John Paul II)
- The Vocation to the Diaconate and Marriage
- The Spirituality of the Deacon
- Brief History and Theology of the Diaconate
- The Threefold Ministry of the Deacon
- Overview of the Formation Program; Application
Discernment and Admission to Aspirancy
Note: Only Those Recommended By Their Pastors May Attend Project St. Lawrence.
Dcn. Rodney Asebedo
Director of Diaconal Formation
Paola Quintero-Araújo, MA
Assistant Director of Pastoral Formation
Sr. Anne Frances Ai Le, OP, PhD, MATS
Assistant Director of Intellectual Formation
Dcn. Scott France
Diaconate Vocations Liaison and Coordinator of Aspirants Formation
Maria Aguilar
Administrative Assistant
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