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Parish Vocations Ministries

Benefits of a Parish Vocations Ministry

Particularly in these times, when the voice of the Lord seems to be drowned out by ‘other voices’ and his invitation to follow him by the gift of one’s own life may seem too difficult, every Christian community, every member of the Church, needs consciously to feel responsibility for promoting vocations. It is important to encourage and support those who show clear signs of a call to priestly life and religious consecration, and to enable them to feel the warmth of the whole community as they respond ‘yes’ to God and the Church.

Pope Benedict XVI

Vocations start in the family home.

Parish Vocation Ministry offers all the tools a priest, parishioner, or educator could need to engage youth during these critical formation years.

  • Parish Vocation Ministries create an environment for families to not only see where priestly and religious vocations are fostered but also to experience affirmation and support for priests and religious life of their parish.
  • Promoting vocations is not just a job for our priests. They with the help of the Holy Spirit inspire many men and women to say yes to God’s call but promoting vocations is a all-hands-on deck task and parishioners, laity and educators must be actively involved.
  • Parish Vocation Ministries will provide inspiration, ideas, and step-by-step training for priests, laity, and especially educators, to help them become vocation promoters in their own environment which then creates a supportive place where men, women, and youth can easily say “Yes” to God’s call in their lives.
  • Youth ministry meetings is where youth need to be inspired to become open to God’s call—whether to marriage, priesthood, or religious life.
  • It is essential that every local Church become more sensitive and attentive to the pastoral care of vocations, helping children and young people in particular at every level of family, parish and associations – as Jesus did with his disciples - to grow into a genuine and affectionate friendship with the Lord, cultivated through personal and liturgical prayer; to grow in familiarity with the sacred Scriptures and thus to listen attentively and fruitfully to the word of God; to understand that entering into God’s will does not crush or destroy a person, but instead leads to the discovery of the deepest truth about ourselves; and finally to be generous and fraternal in relationships with others, since it is only in being open to the love of God that we discover true joy and the fulfilment of our aspirations.
  • Teach young people how to pray. Pope Benedict XVI said that unless we teach our youth how to pray, they will never hear God calling them into a deeper relationship with Him and into the discipleship of the Church.
  • Invite active young adults and teens to consider a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life. A simple, sincere comment should not be underestimated. An easy way to do this can be remembered by four letters: ICNU. “John, I see in you (ICNU) the qualities that would make a good priest, and I want to encourage you to pray about it.” It is a non-invasive way to encourage openness to a religious vocation.

If you have questions about Parish Vocations Ministries, please contact the or , VP Vocations, Fort Worth Serra Club.



Rev. Brett Metzler
Director of Vocations

Josie Geisler
Administrative Assistant for Vocations

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