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Quo Vadis - Men's Vocation Discernment Retreat

Friday, July 26, 2024 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Location(s): Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House, Lake Dallas

This retreat is for young men in high school within the Diocese of Fort Worth. Boys who graduate 8th grade in May/June 2024 and will be freshmen in school year 2024-2025 are eligible to register. Young men who graduate high school in May/June 2024 are eligible to register.

Those who are or will be 18 years of age at the time of the event are required to register and complete the Safe Environment training before July 24, 2024.

Aquellos que tengan o vayan a tener 18 años de edad en el momento del evento deben registrarse y completar la capacitación de Ambiente Seguro antes del 24 de julio de 2024.

While in years past, the Quo Vadis retreat has focused primarily on discernment to the priesthood, this years’ retreat will cover more specifically what it means to grow into a Catholic Man in today’s world. The retreat will involve talks from seminarians and priests, mass and adoration, as well as time for games and sports. Young men will have the opportunity to learn about and discuss the following topics:

  • Learning to pray well.
  • Learning the importance of sacrifice, suffering and fortitude.
  • Growth in virtue and discipline.

If you are a high school man looking to grow in these areas, while also getting to know our seminarians and priests, please come to this retreat.

Registration Form

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Questions? Call 817-945-9321 or email .