Thursday, March 7, 2024

Past e-Bulletins / Boletines Anteriores

Lent 2024

Fourth Week of Lent, Mar. 10 - Mar. 16, 2024

The LORD said to Samuel: “Fill your horn with oil, and be on your way. I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem, for I have chosen my king from among his sons.”
As Jesse and his sons came to the sacrifice, Samuel looked at Eliab and thought, “Surely the LORD’s anointed is here before him.” But the LORD said to Samuel: “Do not judge from his appearance or from his lofty stature, because I have rejected him.

1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7

2024 Lent Resources


Holy Week & Easter Mass Times

Attention Priests and Parish Administrators:

We are collecting a list of all Holy Week and Easter Masses to assist the general public and we are asking for your help. To make the process easier we have developed an online form that will allow you to quickly enter and submit your parish Mass times. Once completed you will receive a confirmation email, which also allows further edits if needed. Please submit your schedule by March 18, 2024. We thank you for your assistance.

Online form:

Safe Environment

Mass of Reparation for Victims of Abuse

Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 10:00 AM

The Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth invites you to attend a Mass of Reparation for Victims of Abuse to help heal those who have been harmed by the terrible evil of abuse and for the reparation for sins of sexual abuse perpetrated against minors and the vulnerable. Principal celebrant will be Most Reverend Michael F. Olson, STD, MA. Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 AM on Saturday, April 6, 2024, at St. Patrick Cathedral Fort Worth in downtown Fort Worth. Following the Mass, we will have a luncheon for the participants at the parish hall and will also be hosting our annual facilitator’s meeting after the luncheon.

Note: This Mass will be live streamed on the front of the diocesan website at:



Transitional Diaconate Ordination

Transitional Diaconate Ordination March 19, 2024

With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, the Diocese of Fort Worth joyfully announces and cordially invites you to the Transitional Diaconate Ordination of Isaac McCracken through the imposition of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by His Excellency, Bishop Michael Olson at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at St. Maria Goretti Parish in Arlington.


come and see

Come & See Weekend

March 22-24, 2024

Join us for a Vocations Weekend Retreat for men in high school and college, ages 16 and older, from March 22-24, 2024, at St. Joseph Seminary College in Covington, LA. Experience Mass, discernment stories, communal prayer, and a seminary tour—all at no cost. Transportation provided.

Register by March 18, 2024, and for those 18 and older, complete Safe Environment training. For more information, email the  or call 817-945-9321.


Vocations Lenten Weekly Meditations

Resources for Parishes Now Available

Below are Vocations Meditations for each week of Lent. Please use this as a bulletin insert at the beginning of Lent, or use the individual weekly meditations in your bulletin or social media. These English and Spanish vocations resources are provided by the three Serra Clubs of the Diocese of Fort Worth. Serrans support parishes and Catholic schools with resources to promote vocations throughout the year. Visit resources for vocations or contact , VP Vocations, Fort Worth Serra Club for more information.

Lenten Devotions
Devociones de Cuaresma

Seminarian Daily Prayer List

We invite everyone to pray for our seminarians this year. Attached please find the 2023-2024 Seminarian Daily Prayer List. For any additional information please contact the .

Seminarian daily prayer list
Lista diaria de oración de seminarista
Danh sách cầu nguyện hàng ngày


nec pilgrimage

National Eucharistic Congress

July 17-21, 2024, Indianapolis, Indiana

Participate in this pivotal moment in the church and draw into a deeper intimacy with our Lord. This historic 5-day gathering of missionary disciples will be a new Pentecost, a powerful anointing and personal commission to invite others to know Christ.

More information
View brochure


Advancement Foundation

Aging with Grace

A Catholic workshop for empty nesters, retirees, caregivers and their loved ones

As we age or care for aging parents, we often wonder what the Church teaches about ethical medical decisions, the sanctity of life and preparing documents, such as advance directives or a will. This event, sponsored by the Advancement Foundation, St. Thomas More Society and the Respect Life Office, will help answer those questions and provide guidance. Retirees, caregivers, and other loved ones are welcome to join us on Wednesday, March 13 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Catherine of Siena, 1705 E Peters Colony Rd. Carrollton, TX 75007. Advance registration is required and limited to 50 participants.

More information or to register!
View flyer
Social media insert

Envejeciendo con Gracia

sábado 6 de abril de 2024, Parroquia de Todos los Santos, Fort Worth

Un taller católico para personas ya sin hijos en el hogar, jubilados, cuidadores y sus seres queridos. La ciencia puede explicar el envejecimiento físico, pero la experiencia de vida y la fe pueden enseñarnos mucho más sobre cómo enfrentarlo. A medida que envejecemos o cuidamos de padres que envejecen, a menudo nos preguntamos qué es lo que la Iglesia enseña sobre decisiones médicas éticas, la santidad de la vida y la preparación de documentos, como directivas avanzadas o un testamento. ¡Este evento le ayudará a responder esas preguntas, y brindará orientación e inspiración para este camino que está por comenzar! Regístrese o obtenga más información en

Volante sin altavoces
Anuncio de redes sociales

Parish Operating Grant Applications

Available now, due April 15

Thanks to the generosity of the donors to the Annual Diocesan Appeal, the Advancement Foundation provides generous operating grants to small, rural parishes or those struggling to meet their operating expenses. Last year, 37 parish communities in the Diocese of Fort Worth were awarded operating grants totaling $858,000. Application information for FY25 Operating Grants is now available below and at If you have specific questions about the application process, please contact , CFRE, at 817-533-7242.

Parish Operating Grant Memo and Application

School Operating Grants Announced

Apply now through April 15

This year, nine Catholic schools in the Diocese of Fort Worth are receiving a total of $150,000 for salary support for learning specialists and intervention supplies for students with accommodation plans. These grants are made possible through donors’ generosity to the Annual Diocesan Appeal. Application information for 2024-25 School Operating Grants for learning support initiatives is now available below and at Contact , CFRE, at 817-533-7242 if you have additional questions.

School Operating Grant Memo and Application

Crossroads Newsletter

January – February – March Edition Now Available

The latest issue of the quarterly Crossroads newsletter for pastors, parish and school business managers and finance council members is now available: Crossroads newsletter. Please don’t miss this important issue with information such as March 2 Diocesan Day of Stewardship with Bishop Olson, 2023 tax statements, proper receipting, and upcoming deadlines such as Light of Christ nominations and parish grant application deadlines.

Refer back to this issue throughout the quarter for information or visit:

Advancing the Mission

March/April 2024

The Advancement Foundation is in your parishes this Lent with - Diocesan Day of Stewardship at Most Blessed Sacrament.

  • Aging with Grace Lunch and Learns in three locations
  • Parish grant recipient visits

The Advancing the Mission newsletter has all this and more. Read it online or download a copy at

For your Bulletin: News you can use QR code


International Catholic Stewardship Council Conference

March eBulletin

Helpful resources to enhance stewardship in your ministry. Discover prayers, featured articles, and Gospel reflections on a stewardship way of life. Be inspired, be equipped, and be transformed!

ICSC Website

International Catholic Stewardship Council Conference

Register now for the 62nd ICSC Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana September 15-18, 2024

This year’s conference theme is “Called to be Saints.” Pastors, business managers, stewardship and development committees and school development officers are invited to attend this gathering of Catholic stewardship leaders and fund development professionals from across the United States and take benefit from the valuable information and networking available. Limited scholarships for conference fees for first time attendees are available by contacting , Director of Stewardship and Parish Relations at the Advancement Foundation or call 817-533-3178.

Register today for the Lenten Discount rate of $479.00. Hurry, rate increases March 30, 2024!

Parish Stewardship Reflections

April – June 2024

Below please find General Intercessions and Bulletin/Website Announcements tied to the weekly readings in both English and Spanish. For additional Stewardship Resources for Parishes (including resources for prior quarters), please visit: or contact at the Advancement Foundation or call 817-533-3178.

Stewardship bulletin reflections
Prayer of the faithful

Reflexiones de corresponsabilidad
Oraciones de los fieles


pastoral juvenil

Retiro de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana

Pascua Juvenil 2024, 23 de marzo de 2024

Pastoral Juvenil Hispana por parte de la oficina del Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de Fort Worth te invita a la Pascua Juvenil 2024. Todos los adultos jóvenes solteros entre las edades de 18 a 35 años son bienvenidos.

¿Preguntas? Por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina del Ministerio Hispano.


Formulario de Inscripción

"What is Cursillo?"

Are you looking for a deeper meaning in your spiritual journey? Then join us in a short course in Christianity hosted by the Fort Worth Diocese English Cursillo. Spend 3 days developing a deeper understanding of what it means to be fully Catholic by being fully Christian. The Women's Weekend is April 4-7, 2024. The Men's Weekend is April 25-28, 2024. The weekends will be held at the Formation Center located at 2517 Hanna Avenue, Fort Worth, TX. The cost is $150.00. Please contact , Pre-Cursillo Coordinator for more information or to register.

Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House

"Behold, I make all things new." (Rev. 21:5).  Come on retreat to grow in relationship with God, the source of the renewed peace and joy we all desire. Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House, on the shores of Lewisville Lake, in Lake Dallas, Texas wants to help you find the peace that surpasses understanding. Reserve a spot for one of our upcoming retreats today at! Spaces are limited due to COVID and are going fast!

Date Retreat
March 14-17, 2024 Women's Retreat
March 27-30, 2024 Men's Retreat
April 4-7, 2024 Women's Retreat
April 13, 2024 Saturday of Reflection


Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Uncover the secrets to a lasting, supportive, transformational marriage!

For more than 50 years, Worldwide Marriage Encounter has helped over 3.5 million couples in almost 100 countries unlock the power of their relationships with new ways to do the “I do.” The Marriage Encounter experience helps you listen, share, and connect more deeply. There’s no group discussion. It’s just about the two of you learning to be the best, most loving and thriving couple you can be.

Information from Worldwide Marriage Encounter coordinators is available for parishes to inform couples of upcoming Encounter events. Feel free to include this valuable information in your bulletins.

March bulletin announcement
March bulletin flyers

Special Collections

The Archdiocese of Kumasi

Special Collection Envelope

On November 23-24, 2024 the Diocese of Fort Worth will hold a special collection for the Archdiocese of Kumasi. If possible, please send your envelope providers the image below for the special collection envelope. If your envelope provider requires an image disclosure agreement please email , CFRE.

Archdiocese of Kumasi image

2024 Special Collection Calendar

2024 Revised September 13, 2023

Throughout the year, parishes in the Diocese of Fort Worth take up special collections to support the work of Christ in our Diocese, in the United States and throughout the world. If you have any questions about special collections, please contact , CFRE, Director of Annual Giving and Grants of the Advancement Foundation at 817-382-4939, or visit

Special collections calendar (2024)

Colectas especiales (2024)

For any questions or concerns about the e-Bulletin, please contact .

800 West Loop 820 South, Fort Worth, TX 76108
817-560-3300 |
© Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth

Past e-Bulletins / Boletines Anteriores